
So, if you've made it to this page, you've found out that there's writing on the wall for you to read. So what you want to do is this. Find your name on the right hand menu and click on it, if it appears more than once, click each link individually. There is probably a reason for that. It will take you to what you're supposed to read. Enjoy it, and keep coming back to see if any additional postings have been made about you. I am so thankful for you and all you have given to me. I have grown so much because of you and your continued presence in my life. Remember: Find your name!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Map...

You'll find your name on the right. Please read up about yourself. If I've written about you, it's because you've moved me to do so. You mean so much. So much value you've given to me. So much I will keep learning for you. I am so grateful for it all.

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