
So, if you've made it to this page, you've found out that there's writing on the wall for you to read. So what you want to do is this. Find your name on the right hand menu and click on it, if it appears more than once, click each link individually. There is probably a reason for that. It will take you to what you're supposed to read. Enjoy it, and keep coming back to see if any additional postings have been made about you. I am so thankful for you and all you have given to me. I have grown so much because of you and your continued presence in my life. Remember: Find your name!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sarah Anne Hoye

Dear Sarah Anne,

Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me to date. My life at this point doesn't seem to make sense unless I get a good half-hour at a coffee shop to talk it out with you. I am so thankful for your kind soul, your loving nature, your relentless loyalty, and your awesome God walk. When I see your smile (which is freakin' gorgeous by the way) I am always reminded that life will always turn out the way He wants it.

I still can't believe that my first remarks to you were the ones they were. "Gosh, our teacher is hott." I mean really, who would have known that it would lead to the coolest sister-sister friendship ever?

You have stuck with me through everything, with no questions asked. You have always been that phone call in the middle of the night I know I can make. You are the most amazing soul I have ever come across in this beautiful, crazy and chaotic world. I love that I can act completely foolish around you (reference point: WHAP WHAP WHAP!) and you reciprocate by acting completely foolish right back. I love that you watch out for me and make sure I don't slip up. I know I make mistakes, but I really do think twice (sometimes three times) about something before I do it because you have become someone I couldn't bear to hurt.

I am so very blessed to be walking this journey called life with you. You have made it a little bit easier, especially in the darkest times. You are such a beautiful light in my life and I truly treasure each day I get with you. I love you sister. With my whole heart.

You have such a wonderful life in store for you and I am so excited that I get to help you figure it out and watch you walk it out. I can't wait to grow old with you.

My favorite memories are the little ones. Well, alright, a week-long super-spontaneous road trip to San Francisco isn't exactly a "little" one, but that is one. My favorite ones are our late night ramblings, our fun nights at church, when we sit at a table all night long at red robin and really dig deeply into our lives together, our laughing fits over nonsense. I adore them all.

You are the best sister a girl could ask for. You are truly, truly my light when I can't see the pathway.

I love you,
Amanda Marie Porter

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